An Eternalized Hike

What value can the utilization of digital tools add to ceramics, such a traditionally hand-based form of art? For me, 3D scanning is a tool that allows me to authentically capture natural forms such as pinecones and display them in the most realistic form possible. Additionally, 3D printing both the pinecone that was scanned on my hike and the vases themselves allows for an authenticity of form. By utilizing a soundtrack of me hiking, which is a natural experience/practice to create the profiles of my vases, I can use digital tools to capture and materialize this natural experience. Eternalizing these fleeting experiences (hiking) and forms (pinecones) in nature that only last so long into a ceramic form that becomes permanent is extremely interesting to me. The idea of capturing an experience and turning it into something that remains in a permanent form that will not disintegrate as pinecones do or be forgotten as our memories fail us, preserves our memory of certain moments.  


Reflecting Pool